Please read the agreement(s) below carefully. The button for accordance is on the bottom of this page.
University of Oklahoma Genome Center Data Release and Use Policy
- Data release for the University of Oklahoma Genome Center has been
automated by a series of computer scripts and programs to be in accord
with the policy of the NHGRI and the Bermuda Accord.
See URL:
for Mark Guyer's published notes "Statement on the Rapid Release of Genomic DNA
Sequence" in Genome Research Vol. 8, Issue 5, 413-413, May 1998.
- This data is released according
to NIH-NCHGR policy and the agreement reached termed the "Bermuda Accord".
before scientific publication with the following understanding:
1.The data may be freely downloaded, used in analyses, and repackaged in databases.
2.Users are free to use the data in scientific papers analyzing particular genes and regions, provided that the Centers are
properly acknowledged.
3.The Centers producing the data reserve the right to publish the initial large-scale analyses of the dataset-including large-scale
identification of regions of evolutionary conservation and large-scale genomic assembly. Large-scale refers to regions with size
on the order of 1 to 2 Mb or more.
4.Any redistribution of the data should carry this notice.
- This policy has been in effect since prior to the original Bermuda
Accord in February 1996 and we were one of the first three centers, along
with the Washington University Genome Center and the Sanger Center, to
adopt the presently accepted Immediate Data Release Policy.
- The following statements regarding this policy are taken from the Science
274 533-534 (1996) paper entitled "Genomic Sequence
Information Should Be Released Immediately and Freely in the Public Domain"
Written on behalf of the Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton,
Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK, and Genome Sequencing Center, Washington University,
St. Louis, MO 63108, USA. by David R. Bentley
- The first International Strategy Meeting on Human Genome Sequencing,
organized by the Wellcome Trust, was held in Bermuda 25 to 28 February 1996.
Participants included representatives of laboratories involved in human genome
sequencing and of funding agencies, who met to discuss strategy, progress and
plans, policies for data release and implications. The "Bermuda statement" was
endorsed unanimously by all participants. See Human Genome News 7 (no. 6), 19
- The provision of genomic information to the public in three stages - as
sequence-ready maps, as assembled shotgun sequence data, and as finished and
annotated consensus sequence of each bacterial clone - was first practiced from
the outset of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome project by the groups of R.
Waterston (Washington University. St. Louis) and J. Sulston (the Sanger Centre,
Cambridge). The same practice has been implemented for the release of human
genomic sequence data at both centers. This data release policy is endorsed by
both the Wellcome Trust and the National Institutes of Health. Other centers
are also practising or planning forms of data release, including the Whitehead
Institute, The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), Baylor College of
Medicine, The University of Okalhoma and others. See also (8);E. Marshall and
E. Pennisi, Science 272, 188 (1996); National Science Council, Report of the
Committee on Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome (National Academy Press,
Washington, DC, 1988).
- In most cases, the preliminary assembled shotgun sequence data provide
sequence representing around 90% of insert of the bacterial lone in a few large
contiguous sequences that are virtually free of artefacts. Ongoing refinement
of the shotgun strategy and sequencing biochemistry is resulting in further
improvements to the quality and coverage of the initial assembled sequence.
The prerelease of unfinished sequence
is through both
the National Center for Biotechnology Information and the
European Bioinformatics Institute to provide centralized access to
the unfinished sequence in the public domain.
- Since we make all our data freely available both on this web
site but also in the International Databases, e.g. GenBank, EMBL
and JDB, users of this data, both finished and unfinished, should not publish
or otherwise disseminate the information without appropriate
acknowledgement. The appropriate format is as follows:
"These sequence data were produced by the Advanced Center
for Genome Technology at the University of Oklahoma and
can be obtained at"
where "xxx" is the name of the relevant sequencing project directory
on our ftp site.
Unfinished sequences should all have been assigned an EMBL/Genbank
accession number (in the HTG division). This should be quoted when
- If you have any questions regarding the sequencing data, maps,
and other information available on this web site or its use in
publications, please contact
- The ACGT plans on publishing the completed and annotated
sequences in a peer-reviewed journal as soon as possible. Permission
of the principal investigator should be obtained before publishing
analyses of the sequence/open reading frames/genes on a chromosome or
genome scale.
- Users of unpublished mapping data presented on our web pages should
not publish or otherwise disseminate the information without
appropriate acknowledgement. The appropriate format is as follows:
"These mapping data were produced by the Advanced Center for Genome Technology
the University of Oklahoma and were obtained from the World Wide Web at
where is the appropriate location on our web site.
- If a map figure is reproduced in a publication, the figure legend
should include an explicit statement concerning the source of the
- Mapping data should be regarded as preliminary and so subject to
regular update and change. It is recommended, therefore, that
users carry out appropriate confirmatory checks.
- If you have any questions regarding the mapping data or their use in
publications, please contact us
- DISCLAIMER - The University of Oklahoma's ACGT provides these data
in good faith, but makes no
warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for any purpose for which the data are used.
Bruce Roe,