Corchorus olitorius cultivar JRO-524
[ Viridiplantae | Streptophyta | Streptophytina | . . .
. . . | Grewioideae | Apeibeae | Corchorus ]
Picture Source
Taxonomy: | Eukaryota | Viridiplantae | Streptophyta | Streptophytina | Embryophyta | Tracheophyta | Euphyllophyta | Spermatophyta | Magnoliophyta | Mesangiospermae | eudicotyledons | Gunneridae | Pentapetalae | rosids | malvids | Malvales | Malvaceae | Grewioideae | Apeibeae | Corchorus |
Synonym: | Pseudocorchorus sp. Randrianasolo 519 |
Common: | Nalta jute, tossa jute, Jew's mallow, West African sorrel, bush okra (German: Langkapselige Jute) |
Go to NCBI Taxonomy (93759) |
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Publication: |
Sarkar D, Mahato AK, Satya P et. al.
( 2017)
Genom Data 12, 151-154.
Genome files