
Phytophthora parasitica CJ02B3

[ Stramenopiles | Oomycetes | Peronosporales | . . .
. . . | Peronosporaceae | Phytophthora | Phytophthora parasitica ]

Phytophthora_parasitica_CJ02B3 Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Stramenopiles | Oomycetes | Peronosporales | Peronosporaceae | Phytophthora | Phytophthora parasitica
Common:Phytophthora Root Rot
Comment:Symptoms: Brown lesions develop on stems near the soil line. These lesions become brown and sunken, and will eventually girdle the plant resulting in wilting and rapid death. If the stem and tap root are cut lengthwise, a brown discoloration in the vascular tissue is evident. Control: Water-logged or compacted soils promote this disease. The best control is actually careful attention to seedbed preparation. Avoid compaction and low spots that may accumulate water.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (1317063)
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Genome files

National Center for Biotechnology Information National Center for Biotechnology Information
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Contigs v 1.0.0 2013-11-07 Dna_compl 102 49.6 48.0 6611Info - 15 Down Chromosome Comment
Supercontigs v 1.0.0 2013-11-07 Dna_compl 102 49.6 48.0 6489Info - 16 Down Chromosome Comment

diArk 3.0 Content Info

gen DNA Projects:5222
EST/cDNA Projects:851
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