
Sorghum bicolor inbred Ji2731

[ Viridiplantae | Streptophyta | Streptophytina | . . .
. . . | Andropogoneae | Sorghinae | Sorghum ]

Sorghum_bicolor_inbred_Ji2731 Courtesy of L. Pauwels
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Viridiplantae | Streptophyta | Streptophytina | Embryophyta | Tracheophyta | Euphyllophyta | Spermatophyta | Magnoliophyta | Mesangiospermae | Liliopsida | Petrosaviidae | commelinids | Poales | Poaceae | PACMAD clade | Panicoideae | Andropogonodae | Andropogoneae | Sorghinae | Sorghum
Synonym:Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench., Sorghum vulgare
Common:milo, broomcorn, sorghum (German: Mohrenhirse)
Comment:Ji2731 is a Chinese kaoliang grain sorghum that is well adapted to Northeast China.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (4558)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
Wiki Wikipedia
et. al. Right (2011)
Genome data from sweet and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor).

Genome files

Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Go GenBank - NIH genetic sequence database Contigs v 1.0.0
Go GenBank - NIH genetic sequence database Mitochondrium v 1.0.0

GenBank - NIH genetic sequence database GenBank - NIH genetic sequence database
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Contigs v 1.0.0 2011-12-01 Dna_part 12 53.4 0.0 32Info - 0 Down Chromosome Comment
Mitochondrium v 1.0.0 2011-12-01 Dna_part 12 44.4 0.0 3Info - 1 Down Chromosome Comment

diArk 3.0 Content Info

gen DNA Projects:5222
EST/cDNA Projects:851
link to cymobase
link to scipio
link to www.motorprotein.de
MPI for biophysical chemistry

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