
Trypanosoma cruzi 231

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_231 Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
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Trypanosoma cruzi Bug2148

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_Bug2148 Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (5693)
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Trypanosoma cruzi CL Brener

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_CL_Brener Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (353153)
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et. al. Right (2005)
Science 309, 409-15. Down
et. al. Right (2005)
Science 309, 404-9. Down
et. al. Right (2004)
Mol Biochem Parasitol 136, 221-5. Down

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Trypanosoma cruzi Dm28c

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_Dm28c Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (1416333)
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et. al. Right (2014)
Genome Announc 2, e01114-13. Down

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Trypanosoma cruzi JR cl. 4

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_JR_cl__4 Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (914063)
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Trypanosoma cruzi Tula cl2

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_Tula_cl2 Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (1206070)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
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Trypanosoma cruzi Y

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_Y Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (5693)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
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Trypanosoma cruzi cruzi Dm28c

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_cruzi_Dm28c Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (85057)
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Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_marinkellei Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (85056)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
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Trypanosoma cruzi str. Sylvio X10/1

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_str__Sylvio_X10_1 Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (5693)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
Wiki Wikipedia

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Trypanosoma cruzi strain Esmeraldo

[ Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | . . .
. . . | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi ]

Trypanosoma_cruzi_strain_Esmeraldo Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastida | Trypanosomatidae | Trypanosoma | Schizotrypanum | Trypanosoma cruzi
Comment:Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, causes American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease. The disease is transmitted to humans through the feces of infected bloodsucking insects in endemic areas of Latin America, or occasionally by nonvectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (366581)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
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