
Volvox carteri f. nagariensis

[ Viridiplantae | Chlorophyta | Chlorophyceae | . . .
. . . | Volvocaceae | Volvox | Volvox carteri ]

Volvox_carteri_f__nagariensis Courtesy of Aurora Nedelcu
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Viridiplantae | Chlorophyta | Chlorophyceae | Chlamydomonadales | Volvocaceae | Volvox | Volvox carteri
Comment:Volvox is a simple, spherical, multicellular green algae of order Volvocales. Volvocales are composed of two completely differentiated cell types, small somatic cells and few large, non motile reproductive cells.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (3068)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
Wiki Wikipedia

Genome files

DOE Joint Genome Institute DOE Joint Genome Institute
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Supercontigs v 2.0.0 2010-04-19 Rna_dna_compl - 56.1 125.4 434Info - 2599 - Chromosome_license Comment
Supercontigs v 1.0.0 2007-06-01 Rna_dna_compl 8 56.0 125.5 1265Info - 1491 - Chromosome_license Comment

GenBank - NIH genetic sequence database GenBank - NIH genetic sequence database
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Contigs v 1.0.0 2010-07-02 Dna_compl 8 56.0 125.5 11352Info - 43 Down Chromosome Comment
Supercontigs v 1.0.0 2010-07-02 Dna_compl 8 56.0 125.5 1251Info - 1491 Down Chromosome Comment

Phytozome Phytozome
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Go DOE Joint Genome Institute Supercontigs v 1.0.0

diArk 3.0 Content Info

gen DNA Projects:5222
EST/cDNA Projects:851
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MPI for biophysical chemistry

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